The kerala story
The Kerala Story is a critically acclaimed Malayalam-language movie that was released in 2021. Directed by Mahesh Narayanan, the film features actors like Fahadh Faasil, Dileesh Pothan, and Joju George in the lead roles. It tells the story of a group of individuals from different backgrounds who find themselves in the middle of a high-stakes hostage situation in a bank in Kerala. The movie opens with the introduction of Prithviraj (Fahadh Faasil), a software engineer who is in desperate need of money to pay off his debts. Prithviraj, who has lost his job and is struggling to make ends meet, decides to rob a bank. Along with his friend, he successfully breaks into the bank, but their plan goes awry when they find themselves trapped inside with several hostages. The police, led by Commissioner Chandran (Joju George), arrive on the scene and begin negotiations with the robbers. One of the hostages is Devika (Darshana Rajendran), a young journalist who is covering the incident. Devika, who...